Will Circumcision Affect Sex Drive?

“Will circumcision affect sex drive ? NO.   ” Circumcision has always been erotically misinterpreted. It is a common misconception that the foreskin is the only male erogenous tissue or erogenous zone that contributes to a man’s sex drive. In contrary, the foreskin represents only a small part of the penis and only a tiny…

How long can I delay circumcision?

Circumcision is usually a simple operation, with relatively low risk of complications. However, it is not always as simple a decision to make. “How long can I delay circumcision ?” is the most common question an adult male puts forth, relative to an advise or a need for a medical circumcision. Though the fact that…

Will Untreated Phimosis Leads to Penile Cancer?

Phimosis is a pathologic inability to retract the foreskin in uncircumcised men. Penile cancer is more common in men with Phimosis. Penile cancer though an uncommon medical condition, is highly associated with mortality and other adverse reactions. Penile cancer leads to physical genital disfigurement that may interfere with normal male voiding patterns, disable normal penetrative…

Circumcision & Erectile Dysfunction

How Circumcision helps Erectile Dysfunction! Circumcision – The process of removing foreskin from a Man’s or a baby’s or a young adult’s penis. Circumcision has been performed for over 15,000 years as per NCBI and it is practiced in almost all countries of the world. Though the reasons may be due to medical or religious,…

All about Stapler Circumcision

All about Stapler Circumcision Most decisions about circumcision are based on cultural, religious or personal reasons. Though circumcision is not a medical mandatory, the benefits of circumcision in men outweighs the risks of indicative medical conditions.Male circumcision (MC) was one of the earliest operations performed by humans. This procedure gained practice worldwide for the reason…

What is Phimosis?

Phimosis is defined as the inability to retract the skin (foreskin or prepuce) covering the head (glans) of the penis. Phimosis may appear as a tight ring or rubber band of foreskin around the tip of the penis, preventing full retraction. Phimosis is divided into two forms: physiologic and pathologic. The current incidence of phimosis…