Circumcised Vs Uncircumcised – What is The Difference?

Circumcised Vs Uncircumcised – What is The Difference?

Circumcision is a procedure done to remove the foreskin from the glans/head of the penis. The reasons for a man/baby/teen/adolescent getting circumcised vary and they include religious practice, hygiene, due to any medical condition or to prevent any possible medical conditions etc. The difference between a circumcised and uncircumcised penis is mostly the appearance and…

Why You Should Not Delay Your Circumcision Surgery

Why You Should Not Delay Your Circumcision Surgery

Circumcision is a surgical operation to remove the foreskin of the penis. Circumcision is more commonly accepted for religious/cultural/cosmetic reasons and less commonly for medical reasons. Physiological variants of the penile foreskin are clinical conditions that are frequently referred to for circumcision. Some of such conditions are absolute medical indications for circumcision. Medical circumcision is…
